Insert "app.autoStartEnabled":false
See also my answer at
The native Skype app for Linux - I guess I should be thankful there even is one - auto-starts itself on boot1, and there is no way to turn off that behaviour as a guest because the Settings pane can only be accessed by logged-in users.
Auto-start works on Linux desktops works by inserting a .desktop
file in a
config folder, so Skype’s is at ~/.config/autostart/skypeforlinux.desktop
Even if you delete the file, Skype just re-creates it every time it launches.
You could just empty and then chmod a-w
the desktop file, but that’s lame and
Skype might change their auto-start behaviour in the future using systemd units
or some other shenanigans; it’s always whack-a-mole since Skype’s business
interest lies in having its app always present to create “engagement”.
We have to find a way to access the auto-start setting from outside of the UI then.
Digging into the source
Since every “app” nowadays is just webshit upon turtles-all-the-way-down fragile tech stacks, the whole skypeforlinux app is just a giant pile of minified javascript running on Electron, whose source code you can thankfully inspect.
, is an
asar archive2
that you can extract using asar extract app.asar app-extracted
Packages for e.g. Ubuntu or Arch Linux are available.
You’ll find a file named main.js
which contains the settings handling and
autostart creation code.
I’ve pretty-printed relevant parts using
js-beautify, which is available
via pip install jsbeautifier
or as an
Arch Linux package.
The t.AutoStartLinux
object contains the main creation logic:
class u extends a.AutoStartBase {
_enable(e) {
e ? this._createFile() : this._removeFile()
_createFile() {
try {
s.ensureDir(this._dir), i.writeFileSync(this._file, this._content),
l.getInstance().info("[AutoStartLinux] Created file " + this._file)
} catch (e) {
l.getInstance().error("[AutoStartLinux] Unable to create file " + this._file, e)
_removeFile() {
try {
} catch (e) {
l.getInstance().error("[AutoStartLinux] Unable to remove file " + this._file, e)
get _dir() {
return o.join(r.homedir(), ".config", "autostart")
get _file() {
return o.join(this._dir, "skypeforlinux.desktop")
get _content() {
return ["[Desktop Entry]", "Name=Skype for Linux",
"Comment=Skype Internet Telephony", "Exec=/usr/bin/skypeforlinux",
"Icon=skypeforlinux", "Terminal=false", "Type=Application",
"StartupNotify=false", "X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled=true"].join("\n")
t.AutoStartLinux = u
The AutoStartBase
class, which the AutoStartLinux
subclass inherits, reads a
setting called autoStartEnabled
t.AutoStartBase = class {
constructor() {
this._appSettings = i.getInstance()
sync() {
this._appSettings || (i.init(), this._appSettings = i.getInstance());
const e = !!this._appSettings.get().autoStartEnabled;
void 0 !== this._isEnabled && this._isEnabled === e || this._enable(e), this._isEnabled = e
This setting is translated into a key read from the json
file by
t.SettingsKeys = {
AutoStartEnabled: "app.autoStartEnabled",
OnCloseKeepRunning: "app.onCloseKeepRunning",
Crashed: "didCrashInLastSession",
RegisterProtocols: "app.registerProtocols",
LaunchMinimized: "app.launchMinimized",
CheckNonAdminUser: "app.checkNonAdmin",
LoggingLevel: "logging.level",
LoggingEnabled: "logging.enabled",
LoggingConsole: "logging.console",
UpgradedFromDelphi: "app.upgradedFromDelphi",
UpgradedFromDelphiDate: "app.upgradedFromDelphiDate",
MainWindowPosition: "main-window.position",
WindowMaximized: "main-window.isMaximised",
ZoomLevel: "main-window.zoom-level"
The whole working-from-home fad has reached me as well. Every person in a position of authority insists on choosing their own videoconferencing solution, which wouldn’t be as bad if those products were at least all web-based.
But, because we live in the shittiest of all possible universes, every large company scrambled to push their brittle technology out the door as fast as possible, of course with maximum lock-in and native “apps” to increase user retention, and hopefully sell some of that sweet data.
Color me surprised then to find out Microsoft-owned Skype’s “Skype for Web” does not work at all in both Firefox or Chromium but wants you to install Microsoft Edge (a 1-to-1 clone of Chrome with different lipstick on top). Synergy!