What else?

[Some dipshit] quits working and writes spammy blog shit for a living. Hackernews decides people don't like to work because all work is either meaningless or evil, but it's definitely everyone else's fault. Also the entire monetary system is worthless, we should envy the impoverished, capitalism will kill us all, and they all quit jobs they loved because someone was mean to them. The unanimous consensus: take a couple years off and just fuck around.

n-gate on 'cutting ties with the evil corporate world and pursuing your passion' types

Traveling, writing, photographing, ESL teaching etc. is just, to borrow the phrase, ‘fucking around’ and will not make a positive impact on the world. Do what makes you happy in your spare time and start shouldering some responsibility.


Payment anonymity 

so random schmuck today finds himself in the following situation: if he goes anywhere, taking uber, all his travel is in [some usage database].

if he visits any website, both amazon and cloudflare have records, which can even be compared. how's that for ECC asciilifeform !

obviously if he pays anyone anything that's tracked. and in his dumbass case, this includes bitcoin

which he buys via amazon instance > cloudflare and he spends via amazon instance > cloudflare.

might as well use fucking visa rather than all this wastage.

then when i say bitcoin is not for the poor, people are like ‘oh noooo…’

why waste all the fucking cycles to do visa poorly ?

Mircea Popescu on payment anonymity


jwz on environmentalism 

If it makes you feel better about yourself, go ahead and let your toilet stink or take shorter showers, but don't pretend that will have any kind of measurable effect. It's nearly as pointless a placebo as separating your trash is. All aggregate personal use can't hope to even compare to what is done at industrial scales. Remember: the damage that BP did in the Gulf every five seconds completely obviated all the recycling you personally ever did in your life.

Jamie Zawinski during the California drought


On the sound of music

Read this should your inner cynic require nourishment.